Great Diagrams in Anthropology, Linguistics, and Social Theory

I’ve set up a photo pool on Flickr as a public archive of Great Diagrams in Anthropology, Linguistics, and Social Theory.

Consider this your invitation to contribute!

(“Partial personal semantic network for Tony D’Abrosca” by Claudia Strauss in What Makes Tony Run? Schemas as Motives Reconsidered)

Tuamatuan Conception of the Cosmos, by Paiore.  Inspiration for Margaret Mead’s fieldwork in American Samoa.

Plan of the House, by Pierre Bourdieu (1970), in “The Kabyle House or the World Reversed” in The Logic of Practice.


Filed under Anthropology, diagrams

7 responses to “Great Diagrams in Anthropology, Linguistics, and Social Theory

  1. Pingback: Great Diagrams in Anthropology « Neuroanthropology

  2. Pingback: Dusan Writer’s Metaverse » Virtual Worlds: The Ultimate Map of What They Really Are

  3. Pingback: Bookmarks about Linguistics

  4. Informasi yang menarik. Salam kenal

  5. Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post… nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.

  6. Pingback: Diagrams of social theory and others

  7. Dear Sir,

    The subject deserves more space in your blog. Diagrams applied to anthropology can also be found in the book “The Cosmic Serpent” by Jeremy Narby. The anthropologist lived along with Amzonian tribes in Peru, studying parallels between shamanic and scientific knowledge. He ended up with a theory of magic knowledge linked to DNA. A page-turner, indeed.
    My compliments for your blog. It’s food for thought.

    Best Regards,


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